Saturday, May 06, 2006

New Shot Of My Tank

For some reason blogger isn't posting the date on this shot. It was taken May 6th, 2006.

This is my newest shot of my tank. It is coming along very slowly. I removed the rock in the very middle. I thought that would open it up a bit. I need to update this page more often!


Anonymous said...

Your tank is looking good! Let those corals grow out and that thing will be packed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck, Nice shot of the tank. I find it refreshing to see someone with a tank that has a variety of soft and hard corals. I guess in our hobby it is a natural progression to move towards SPS tanks as our skill level increases, but it is nice to see nice tanks that are not SPS dominate. I like the layout of the tank and I believe the rockwork gives you options. Good luck... Reef on!